Last Thursday, Apple announced it is going to hold a special event 17, March to preview new software for the iPhone. The company said in an email invitation that they are going to provide a “sneak peek” at the iPhone 3.0 software. They also provide information about the new software kit that third-party vendors use to create applications for the device. Apple will host the event next Tuesday at its corporate campus in Cupertino, California.
The company released the 3G iPhone last summer, and the gadget proved to be an immediate hit with users. Throughout the September quarter 2008, it sold over 6.9 million devices, though around 4.3 million were sold in the next quarter. Over the course of last year, Apple sold more than 13.7 million iPhones. The amount surpassed its own goal of 10 million.
Analysts and consumers think a key to the iPhone’s success is the App store. It allows users to download applications for their phone, from others. Additionally, in January 2009, the company announced that more than 500 million applications have been downloaded for the iPhone and that over 15,000 apps were available. However, the users want more application from Apple.
iPhone 3.0 Software
Thao Japan
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