The Delhi Metro has constructed Asia's highest automatic train washing plant at a cost of Rs.45 crore at the Sultanpur depot in its Gurgaon Metro corridor, officials said Sunday.
The washing plant in the Sultanpur Depot on the under-construction Central Secretariat-Gurgaon Metro corridor has been strategically built on a ramp at a height of 6.7 metres from the ground level.
'No other Metro system in Asia is known so far to have built such a plant on ramp at such a height,' Delhi Metro spokesperson Anuj Dayal said.
The plant is designed to carry out automatic washing of the Metro trains. The water used in the process is re-circulated in the system after cleaning the train. It would take about five minutes for washing of eight cars of a Metro train at the plant.
The depot has 14 stabling lines that can accommodate 28 four-coach trains at a time. Apart from this, the depot has a test track, two train inspection bay lines, two shunting necks, a filtration plant with pump-house and borewell, and an electric sub-station to meet its power requirements, among others.
'Constructed at a cost of Rs.45 crore (Rs.450 million), Sultanpur depot will serve as a maintenance depot for the Central Secretariat-Gurgaon Metro corridor. The construction work of the depot began in July 2008 and is now almost ready for providing its services,' Dayal said.
The washing plant in the Sultanpur Depot on the under-construction Central Secretariat-Gurgaon Metro corridor has been strategically built on a ramp at a height of 6.7 metres from the ground level.
'No other Metro system in Asia is known so far to have built such a plant on ramp at such a height,' Delhi Metro spokesperson Anuj Dayal said.
The plant is designed to carry out automatic washing of the Metro trains. The water used in the process is re-circulated in the system after cleaning the train. It would take about five minutes for washing of eight cars of a Metro train at the plant.
The depot has 14 stabling lines that can accommodate 28 four-coach trains at a time. Apart from this, the depot has a test track, two train inspection bay lines, two shunting necks, a filtration plant with pump-house and borewell, and an electric sub-station to meet its power requirements, among others.
'Constructed at a cost of Rs.45 crore (Rs.450 million), Sultanpur depot will serve as a maintenance depot for the Central Secretariat-Gurgaon Metro corridor. The construction work of the depot began in July 2008 and is now almost ready for providing its services,' Dayal said.
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